Hospitals Ban Some Children from Visiting After Deadly Flu Outbreak
Some hospital systems in Michigan are temporarily stopping young kids from visiting. Officials say kids are “vectors” for the flu and can make patients who are already sick even more ill.
Some hospitals in Metro Detroit are banning youngsters from visiting in an effort to combat a deadly strain of influenza.
Experts say this year’s flu season has been especially rough.
That fact was borne out recently when a 12-year-old boy from Clay Township died from flu-like symptoms, even though he had gone to an urgent care clinic the day before and tests had come back negative.
Doctors say kids can easily catch the flu and carry it to others.
So much so that last week the Henry Ford Health System began restricting visitor access to its hospitals, allowing only those age 12 or older.
A few weeks ago the Beaumont Health system banned children under age 13 from visiting its facilities except in certain circumstances like a parent being seriously ill or dying.
Experts call children a “vector” for the flu because they go to schools and day care centers where germs are often passed around.
They say kids can make those who are already sick even more ill.